Spinal METS excision for a 80 year old woman gives complete relief

  • KIMS doctors perform unusual surgery
  • Artificial bone fixed.. patient walking freely now
Hyderabad, October 10th, 2020: An octogenarian, who was suffering from medullary carcinoma thyroid from last 2 years, has developed spinal METS 6 months ago. That lead to severe problem as she couldn't either sit or stand properly without any support. KIMS doctors gave her a new lease of life by performing an unusual surgery with their expertise and extraordinary infrastructure at the Kondapur facility. Octogenarians can't withstand even minor surgeries at their age. But, in this case the surgery was takenup in the leadership of Dr K. Sri Krishna Chaitanya, consultant spine surgeon, Chief Orthopedician Dr. Sai Lakshman. Another spine surgeon and a Cardio Thorasic Surgeon were also part of the surgery.

The patient, GKS Prabhavathi, about 80 years of age and a native of Bapatla of Guntur district in Andhra Pradesh is suffering from medullary carcinoma thyroid from last 2 years. She developed Spinal METS from the last 6 months. Sje faced severe instability and paraplegia as a result of  fracture in D2 secondary to METS. She visited Dr Krishna Chaitanya in KIMS Hospital.

He has thoroughly examined her and advised her complete en block excision of the tumor and stabilization.

Initially, she was advised RT and Radio iodine ablation as this is in  Dorsal 2 and 3 vertebrae, which is inaccessable due to the presence of heart and maijor blood vessels in front. Embolisation of the tumor was performed by interventional radiologist 24 hours before the procedure to reduce blood supply to tumor to avoid possible excessive bleeding during the surgery. The embolisation was successful and the surgery Surgery was performed by 2 spine surgeons and a CT Surgeon on the very next day.

Initially Posterior stabilisation was done by cervico thoracic pedicle screws, Later anterior sternotomy was done followed by entire tumor removal and fusion with bone graft and plate. Entire surgery was performed under intraoperative neural monitoring so that all the neuro system stands perfect during and after the surgery. Patient regained 2 grades of usefull power after procedure and started walking with support. Post operative CT AND MRI Showed complete tumor removal.

En block resection of the tumor is a extermely difficult but rewarding procedure for the patients, Pirticularly in patients with solitary metastasis we can try to cure the disease by doing these procedures.
The excellence and expertise of the medical team at KIMS Kondapur facility and the world class infrastructure has helped cent percent perfection in the surgery and fast recovery of the patient.

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