All you should know about Sinusitis - Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

  • Dr. Mohammed Nazeeruddin, [MS] ENT,  Apollo Spectra Hospital, Kondapur, Hyderabad
The weather we wake up to is a whole new surprise these days - a sunny day or a rainy day or days when the weather takes a backflip right at noon or any given time. Everybody is facing this unpredictability totally unprepared for it on a daily basis. This takes a toll on one’s health and the most common health issue people are facing these days due to the same is Sinusitis.

Sinusitis is an infection of the sinuses caused due to inflammation in the tissues lining the sinuses. Sinuses produce a thin mucus that drains out via the nose’s channels. This drainage keeps the nose clean and infection-free. These sinuses, which are normally filled with air when obstructed and filled with fluid, create an infection there leading to sinusitis.

Sinusitis can be either bacterial or viral. A sinus infection can happen to anyone but people with nasal polyps, allergies, asthma, and a weak immune system are most likely to get a sinus infection often. Some of the symptoms of sinusitis include
  • Runny nose with thick discolored discharge
  • Facial pain that lasts for beyond 10 days
  • Blocked or stuffy nose causing difficulty in breathing through the nose
  • Pain, tenderness, and swelling around the eyes, cheeks, ears, head, upper jaw, and teeth
  • A reduced sense of smell and taste
  • Sore throat, bad breath, and fatigue
Sinusitis is usually caused by a virus, bacteria, or fungus that swells and blocks the sinuses. Some of the other causes for sinusitis can be
  • A common cold - A common cold can lead to sinusitis when the sinuses swell up and end up in infections
  • Nasal and seasonal allergies  - In instances of an allergic reaction when the body is exposed to allergens like pollen or dust, it ends up in an infection wherein the sinuses swell up and block the passage leading to sinusitis
  • A deviated septum - A deviated septum means that it isn’t straight and hence is closer to the nasal passage on one side of the nose causing a blockage that results in a sinus infection
  • Smoking - Regular exposure to pollutants such as cigarette smoke can cause sinusitis. Smoking increases the risk of sinus infections as tobacco smoke irritates the nasal airways thereby making the body produce more mucus which in turn makes one more likely to develop allergies or a cold leading to sinusitis
  • Basic Sinus Infection - Sinusitis can be treated in a variety of methods depending on its severity. Decongestants, nasal irrigation with saline solution, antibiotics, and drinking plenty of water are the common means of treatment for a basic sinus infection
  • For long-term/ chronic sinusitis- This is usually treated by addressing the underlying problem, typically allergies. Intranasal steroid sprays, oral histamine tablets, and topical antihistamine sprays are commonly prescribed as part of treatment. Nasal rinsing using saline solutions that may contain additional medications is also proven to be an effective means to treat sinus infections. In case of a polyp or fungal infection, a CT scan followed by surgery is carried out to fix the issue when none of the above-mentioned treatments succeeds in controlling the infection
  • Prevention is always better than cure - Sinusitis can be prevented if one makes an effort. Upper respiratory infection should be avoided. Avoid coming in contact with people who are unwell with a cold or infections. Hands should be washed with soap frequently, especially before eating. Keep allergies under control by working with a doctor. Avoid being exposed to pollutants like tobacco smoke that irritate and inflame the lungs and nasal passages
Aside from the symptoms listed above, if any other abnormalities are observed, immediate expert consultation is necessary to prevent any harmful consequences. A healthy diet, regular exercise, and hydration can help one remove unwanted toxins from the body.

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