Four soldiers, attacker killed in US shootings

Washington, July 17: Four soldiers were shot dead by a gunman at US military offices in Chattanooga and Tennessee in an act of "domestic terrorism", authorities said. The lone attacker too was later gunned down. The shooting incidents, which lasted for about 30 minutes, took place around 11 a.m. on Thursday at a National Guard office and a Naval Reserve centre about 10 km apart. The shooter reportedly shot while driving in an open-top Mustang, Xinhua news agency reported. The shooter, identified as Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, worked as a security guard for the Chattanooga's public works department, CBS News reported, although later reports said that it is his father who works there. The network, citing sources with security agencies, said that Abdulazeez, who was killed in the second attack, was 24 years old and a US citizen of Kuwaiti descent. It was an act of "domestic terrorism", said US District Attorney Bill Killian at a press conference. The four soldiers were killed at the Naval Reserve centre, according to Efe news agency. A local police officer was among the three people injured. The shooter was gunned down by local law enforcement personnel, Chattanooga Mayor Andy Berke said.

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