Doctors at Amor Hospitals perform a rare procedure to treat a rare disease in a young patient

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Hyderabad, May 29th, 2022: Doctors at Amor Hospitals, a multi-specialty healthcare facility in the city, successfully treated a rare ailment ‘hyperhidrosis’, which leads to abnormally excessive sweating that's not necessarily related to heat or exercise. Individuals suffering from this disease may sweat so much that it soaks through clothes or drips off their hands. Besides disrupting normal daily activities, this type of heavy sweating can cause social anxiety and embarrassment, which was the case in this patient.
28-year-old Mahesh Babu, a resident of Hyderabad, was a victim of hyperhidrosis for many years, and due to this he could not take up a job worthy his education and had to settle down as a wall painter instead. The problem was so severe in him that he was hesitant to meet any friends and even dreaded to get married. While this is a rare condition seen in about two people in a 1000 population; prominent Hollywood actresses Cameron Diaz and ‘Bond Girl’ Halle Berry were once victims of this ailment.
Commenting on the surgery, Dr Srujan Kumar, General and Laparoscopic Surgeon,  Amor Hospital, Kukatpally said, “Not just the patients, even many from medical fraternity are not aware that there is a surgical solution to this problem. In this case, we convinced Mahesh to undergo the surgery which would put an end to his misery. We performed “Sympathectomy”, a surgical procedure in which special equipment is used to cut the ‘sympathetic nerves’ at a precise location. This surgery took about 40 minutes to cut out the root cause of the problem. Post this surgery, the patient was put in the hospital for recovery.”
Mahesh Babu is now completely cured of the condition which was impacting his mental health and social life. He now took up a job which suits his educational background; and is also a happily married man. Doctors at Amor Hospitals believe, many patients or their near and dear on most occasions are aware that there are medical solutions available for problem which they suffer from for years. It is important people do not lose hope and seek right medical help to over the problems.
About Amor Hospitals:
Amor Hospital is the brainchild of a group of medical professionals and healthcare experts who came together to drive their passion and commitment to providing quality healthcare. The core values of Amor Hospital resonate with the meaning of its name and our utmost focus rests on serving the patients with Love, Empathy and Care. With the goal of bridging the gap between quality healthcare and affordability, Amor Hospital is focused on setting a world-class standard for patient care. Led by Dr Kishore B Reddy, Amor Hospital follows a patient-centric approach in diagnosis and treatment. Patient centricity is the backbone of healthcare and integrating the same in the administrative system allows us to strengthen our relationship with patients and their families.

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