Rahul Gandhi Acknowledges Congress' Mistakes: Calls for Party Transformation

Former Congress President Rahul Gandhi expressed the need for the Congress Party to change its political approach in the future. During an event organized by the 'Samriddh Bharat Foundation' titled 'Samvidhan Sammelan' in Lucknow, Gandhi admitted that the Congress Party has made mistakes and emphasized the necessity for internal change. He personally stressed these points, suggesting a reflective and critical stance within the party, though he did not specify what kind of changes he envisions.

In a pointed critique of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Gandhi described him not as a prime minister but as an "emperor," serving only a few financiers. He accused Modi of working primarily in the interests of these financiers rather than for the broader public. Gandhi also predicted a significant reduction in BJP's seats in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, asserting they would not exceed 180 seats and boldly claimed that Modi would not return as Prime Minister, even offering to put his statement in writing.

Gandhi further criticized some political figures for only considering how to gain power, stating his own disinterest in authority. However, he described power as a means to assist the public, lamenting that if 90% of the population is excluded from jobs, sports, media, the judiciary, and beauty contests, the nation cannot become stronger. He questioned the BJP's governance, implying it aimed to transform only a select 10% of the population into a superpower.

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