Putin's bodyguard collects his poop and sends it back to Russia

Putin's bodyguard collects his poop and sends it back to Russia

New Delhi: Since the start of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, some countries have been trembling at the name of President Vladimir Putin. However, Russian President Vladimir Putin is a "special person." Recently another shocking incident about Putin came to light. 

It turned out that there was a special bodyguard for Putin. And wherever Putin goes, that bodyguard stays with him. So far so good .. if you know the work of a bodyguard you will be shocked. A recent report revealed that the bodyguard was collecting Putin's urine and poop. Recently, Fox News wrote an article on this.

Meanwhile, the news agency wrote in a recent article that the bodyguard was collecting Putin's poop and urine to hide Putin's health secrets. DIA Intelligence Officer Rebecca Kofler said Putin was careful not to divulge health secrets to foreign intelligence. According to the French newspaper, the Russian Federal Guard Service will carry a special suitcase in which Putin's urine and poop will be sent back to Moscow.

On the other hand, it is known that since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, there have been many doubts about Putin's health. A few days ago, news broke that Putin had an eye disease and that he is likely to have poor eyesight in another three years.

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