SC Collegium reiterates recommendation for transfer of 2 judges of the Andhra Pradesh HC

New Delhi, August 11: The Supreme Court Collegium has reiterated its recommendation for the transfer of Justices C Manavendranath Roy and Duppala Venkata Ramana of the Andhra Pradesh High Court.

Earlier on August 3, the Collegium had proposed the transfer of Justices Roy and Ramana to the High Courts of Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh, respectively. 

Justice Roy made a representation requesting a reconsideration of his transfer to Gujarat High Court and in alternative, he sought a transfer to the Telangana High Court.

“We have considered the requests made by Mr Justice C Manavendranath Roy. The Collegium does not find any merit in the requests made by him. The Collegium, therefore, resolves to reiterate its recommendation” the Collegium said in its resolution uploaded late on Thursday on the apex court’s website.

Similarly, Justice Ramana requested a reconsideration of his transfer proposal and in alternative, sought transfer to the High Court of Karnataka.

But, the Collegium turned down the representation saying that it does not find “any merit” in the request made by him.

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