Nagaland minister's solution to curb population growth on World Population Day

Kohima: On the occasion of World Population Day on July 11, Nagaland Minister Temjen Imna Along appealed to people to create awareness about family planning. He also suggested a solution for population control on the occasion.

People of other states make fun of North East people for having small eyes, he reminded and said the benefits of having small eyes. But cleverly, he did not clearly explain the benefits of having small eyes as he might have felt that people will understand the message and left it to their discretion. With this, he suggested a clever solution to the issue of family planning.

“So what did he say...this is a very sensitive matter. Let us choose the right way to control population growth. Or stay single like me...let's all work together for a sustainable future. The Nagaland minister tweeted, "Join the single movement from today." With this, netizens tweeted praising the Nagaland minister for his good sense of humour.”

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