Beetroot as a potential food for cancer: It prevents disease in three ways

Hyderabad: Beetroot contains a nutrient called betalains. This is what gives beetroot its red color. It is a powerful anti-oxidant. What's more... beetroot also has anti-inflammatory properties. Antioxidants play a vital role in preventing cancer. It prevents cancer with the help of anticancer properties present in betalains.

Beetroot is rich in Vitamin-C. It is known that vitamin C increases immunity. The use of beetroot strengthens the immune system. It helps prevent cancer.

 Beetroot helps to increase the oxygenation of all cells by increasing the hemoglobin in the blood. Oxygen has the power to kill cancer. Due to increased hemoglobin, the nutrients in beetroot also increase the ability to exercise for longer and with more stamina. That increases the supply of oxygen to the cells. This factor also helps in the prevention of cancer. Beetroot effectively prevents cancer with this triple attack.

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