Protest in Hyderabad in support of Hijab

Hyderabad, Feb 9:  Students from Nizamia Unani Tibbi College and Anwarul Uloom College in Hyderabad on Wednesday staged a protest in solidarity with the students opposing ban on Hijab in educational institutions in Karnataka.

The girl students at the Unani medical college near historic Charminar staged silent protest expressing their solidarity with those in Karnataka fighting for the right to wear Hijab.

Holding national flag and placards, the burka-clad protesters condemned the attempts to target girl students in the neighbouring state.

'Hijab is my right and Hijab is my pride', 'I respect what you wear, you should respect what I wear' and 'Judge me by what is in my head, not by what on my hand' read some of the placards. 'What is my Hijab got to do with my education,' asked another.

"Hijab has nothing to do with education. We have right to education but some people are trying to deny us that opportunities by raking up this issue," said a student.

A huge protest rally was held at Anwarul Uloom College at Mallepally in the city. Large number of male and female students participated in the protest raising slogans of 'Allah-o-Akbar' and 'We want justice'.

The protesters were carrying a banner in support of sisters in Karnataka. It carried pictures of students protesting in Karnataka including a picture of Muskan Khan, who has become symbol of the protest in support of Hijab after standing bravely to some right-wing activists heckling her at a college in Karnataka.

"Hijab is the Constitutional right of Muslim women and no one shall snatch it from us. We support Hijab," reads the banner.

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