Telangana in forefront in Covid vaccination: Health Minister

Hyderabad, Jan 10:  Telangana is in the forefront in Covid vaccination with over 100 per cent coverage of first dose, state Health Minister T. Harish Rao said on Monday.

He claimed that among the major states in the country, Telangana is the first to achieve 100 per cent vaccination of the first dose.

"We have achieved 100 per cent vaccination of the first dose and 78 per cent of the second dose," he said while launching the precautionary dose vaccination for healthcare/frontline workers and senior citizens with comorbidities.

The minister said that within a week, the state has vaccinated 38 per cent of the youth in the age group of 15-17 years.

He appealed to all those eligible for booster dose to come forward and take the same to protect themselves from the virus.

The minister said besides healthcare workers, 6.60 lakh frontline workers, including police personnel and sanitation workers, in the state are eligible for the booster dose.

He pointed out that people in countries like the US and Britain are taking the booster dose as it offers more protection.

Harish Rao said people should shed vaccine hesitancy and have no doubts in their minds. He urged public representatives to actively participate in the vaccination programme to make it successful.

The minister launched the special drive at the Charminar Unani Hospital in the presence of AIMIM floor leader in Telangana Assembly, Akbaruddin Owaisi, local MLA Mumtaz Ahmed Khan and other legislators.

Mumtaz Ahmed Khan and Yakutpura MLA Ahmed Pasha Quadri received the booster dose on the occasion.

Officials said the precautionary dose will be of the same vaccine given as the first and second dose.

It would be administered after the completion of nine months or 39 weeks post the second dose administration.

According to officials, nearly two lakh people in the state will be eligible for the booster dose this month.

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