VH predicts downfall of Modi, Chandrababu & KCR

Hyderabad, Nov.29: Alleging that AP Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu has pushed Prime Minister Narendra Modi into demonetization of big currency notes issue like sending Abhimanyu into Padmavyuham, Congress senior leader V Hanumanth Rao felt that Narendra Modi would face the same fate of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee as Chandrababu had misguided him to go for early polls and faced defeat after Alipiri incident. Speaking to the media at Gandhi Bhavan here on Tuesday, Hanumanth Rao asked Chandrababu Naidu whether he did not have black money. He felt that the fate of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chief Ministers Chandrababu Naidu and Chandrasekhar Rao was over with the monstrous demonetization issue. VH also lashed out at Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao for suggesting to the people not to spend money for waste things and questioned KCR whether spending huge money on construction of new CM Camp office was not a waste. He also demanded KCR to make the secret deal between him and Modi public. He also asked KCR to tell what he had done in Delhi while staying for four days there. Describing the post-demonetization situation as worse than the infamous Emergency, VH bemoaned that BCs, SCs, STs and Minorities were standing in serpentine queues at the banks and ATMs for hours to draw their own money. VH alleged that those who deceived banks were preaching sermons on demonetization issue like devils quoting scriptures. Finding fault with the media, VH alleged that the media was publishing news reports of Union Minister M Venkaiah Naidu, Chandrababu Naidu and KCR. “Are we not leaders? Why the media was not publishing our news? I asked TPCC Chief N Uttam Kumar Reddy to launch a newspaper and TV Channel. The Congress activists are ready to contribute for launching media by the Congress party”, he said. Finding fault with the TRS cadres for observing November 29 as ‘KCR Diwas’, the AICC secretary asked them to tell whether Telangana was created only because of KCR. “Did we not fight for separate Telangana State. Telangana was created because of all and not because of KCR alone”, he roared. The Chief Minister, who said nothing in New Delhi, was telling ‘harikathas’ in Cabinet meeting, he ridiculed. Finding fault with IT Minister KT Ramarao for dubbing Congress as ‘’Daridra Congress’, VH reminded that KCR too was grown as politician being in Congress party.

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