Despite 24 reels, Jagan can't understand the Film, says TDP's Anam

The reels in the Political Film in Andhra Pradesh are increasing with nobody understanding what's happening. If YCP leader YS Jaganmohan Reddy seeks to give entry in the 14th reel to beat the villain to dust, the newly joined TDP leader, Anam Ramnarayan Reddy, extends the film to 24 reels and still finds no sight of Jagan there. In fact Jagan doesn't understand the film at all, he adds. Speaking at a media conference at NTR trust Bhavan, Ramnarayan Redy rejected Jagan's description of himself as hero and dubbing his political rival, without naming him, as Rajanala, the villain of yesteryears. The TDP leader said Jagan was real-life villain. His behaviour shows him as one. Jagan can never be a hero. Chandrababu is real-life hero. The political bankruptcy of Jagan is foretold, he added. Surely, if brother Anam Vivekananda Reddy were to tweak the film, it would be far more hilarious. Meanwhile, the people of Andhra Pradesh are in for big-budget box office films from both sides. Piracy of these political films is already happening!

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