Chandrababu shows his skills with accuracy

Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu follows watchwords of `Accuracy, Accuracy, Accuracy' in his Secretariat. Chandrababu arrived at his temporary Secretariat at Velagapudi much before the auspicious time fixed for its inauguration at 4.01 am on Monday. He was there for over 5 hours in one of the two rooms readied for the occasion. Chandrababu wanted to sign a file on the occasion. The file chosen was loan waiver for the people. His IAS aides gave him the file to sign. The Chief Minister studied the file in full attention. He found three mistakes in the file and mentioned it to the IAS officials, telling them he would not sign the file till the corrections were done. The officials who were not prepared for serious work taking it to be cermonial occasion had neither computers nor any facility to make the corrections. In the event, they had to make the corrections by hand because the Chief Minister would not sign it otherwise. They carried out the corrections somehow and gave the document back to the Chief Minister. They thought he would sign without demur. But Chandrababu went through the file again. He found another mistake and gave the file back to the officials for correction. They again got the correction done by hand. They gave the file back to the Chief Minister for signing. Chadnrababu again read through the file. This time he felt it was okay. The imperturbable administrator then signed the loan waiver file, bringing relief to the officials and all concerned. As he signed the file, Chandrababu was flanked, among others, by Ministers Narayana and Pulla Rao. The temporary AP Secretariat was named `AP Government Transitional Headquarters' on the occasion.

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