James Cameron to make PanchAvatar for Pandora Box Office

`Avatar' sequels are due, because the film is the highest grossing one. James Cameron has seized on the idea because of his highest-grossing first `Avatar'. James Cameron announced in Las Vegas on Thursday that there would be four sequels in all starting with the first one hitting theatres in December 2018. Specifically Avatar 2 opens in Christmas 2018, Avatar 3 in christmas 2020, and Avatar 4 in Christmas 2022 and Avatar 5 in Christmas 2023. Avatar in Sanskrit is God's appearance in the world. The Christians believe in Second Coming, too. But James Cameron believes in Panchavatar. He captures the idea and releases his Avatars during Christmas, when people start believing in piety, helping him with highest grossing. Having used the Sanskrit idiom for his film Avatar, James Cameron might continue in the Sanskrit tradition by naming the four sequels in the Mother of all Indo-European languages. Avatar 2 would then be Avatar Dve, Avatar 3 Avatar Treeni, and for a change Avatar 4 Avatar Chatvari Chitra (Avatar four film) and Avatar 5 Panchavatar. James Cameron is said to love technology, and plans his films on supposed planet Pandora. Can it then be said James Cameron has many sequels in his Pandora Box Office?

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