Salman makes splitting couple dance to his tune

Bollywood Star Salman Khan not only acts but also makes others to act to his tune. Salman, who is a big success in social circles, has reunited a couple that was living separately. He took them under his shelter and in a jiffy made them dance to his tune. The Bollywood couple, Arbaj Khan and Malaika Arora Khan, was splitting, said the rumours. It was also rumoured that Maliaka was dating a Dubai trader. Giving grist to the rumour mills, the couple was living separately. Malaika, who walked out with her son, was living near her sister's home. There were also rumours that the Super Couple show featuring Arbaz and Maliaka was going to be postponed owing to the domestic differences. Salman makes his dramatic entry into the scene. He talked to the families of both the parties and brought about a rapprochement in the couple. As the families got together, the couple danced together under Salman's roof. Now the rumour mongers are kicking themselves.

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