No more weather reports but to give true picture

Hereafter the weather bulletins will not be like usual weather reports. Stock phrases like `possibility of rains, hot winds likely, rains at one or two places, scattered rain likely' will be a thing of the past. The Indian Meteorological Department has taken a decision in this regard. The decision is to specifically avoid terms like `possibilities' etc. The department has realized the dubious nature of the stock phrases, which could be misleading. It has further decided to give an accurate picture as far as possible. The possibility of rain at different places is going to be pinpointed. Phrases to be used in future include `unusual' ``country-wide rains' and so on. The new, scientific phrases have been listed, according to Central Ministry of Earth Sciences Secretary Madhavan Rajeevan. `Scarcity situation/shadow' is now taboo. This is because even if there is scarcity in a certain geographical region, the whole country will not come under its shadow. Realising the truth, the IMD would like to avoid colourful phrases and make these more scientific. There will be changes in regard to references to deficient and excess rainfall also. Further, there are going to be changes in the announcement of temperatures.

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