YSRCP ready to support resolution in assembly on special status : Mysura

Hyderabad, April 1, 2015: YSR Congress Party on Wednesday announced that it would support a resolution on seeking special status for the state if it is introduced by the ruling TDP in the AP assembly. Speaking at a round-table discussion conducted by TV 9 and coordinated by actor Sivaji, YSRCP senior leader Dr.M.V.Mysura Reddy said his party is ready to be part of an all party delegation if the Chief Minister Channdrababu leads it to Delhi to meet Prime Minister Modi and demand special status for the state. "Kindly don't blame us on the issue. Let Chandrababu Naidu take initiative in this matter and lead an all party delegation to Delhi. We are ready to participate in it. Also, we are ready to support a resolution in the assembly if introduced by the ruling party seeking special status to the state," Mysura Reddy offered

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