AP, TS indulge in text book war

Hyderabad, Feb 27, 2015:The after effects of bifurcation have been finding their way into the educational system of both Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. While the Telangana Government has earlier decided to incorporate the history of the Telangana agitation in the school text books to keep its memories live among the Telangana future generations, the AP Government, in a tit for tat act, has decided to erase the memories of the agitation for separate state from its text books completely in the state by opting to skip its mention. This is the only way for AP Government to avoid and erase the memories of Telangana agitation from the minds of the future generations of AP people. For that matter, AP school textbooks will not have mention of any agitations for separate statehood in India. In fact, AP can't affort to avoid the mention of Telangana agitation alone as it will lead to criticism. To avoid criticism, it has decided to skip the mention of all agitations for separate states from text books.

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