Venkaiah Naidu urges TN youth to end stir

Venkaiah Naidu urges TN youth to end stir

Hyderabad, Jan.24 : Union Minister M Venkaiah Naidu today appealed to people of Tamil Nadu, particularly the youth, to call off the agitation on Jallikattu as the State government was taking steps to respect the sentiments of the people. The State government has issued an ordinance allowing the Jallikattu supported by the Union government, he pointed out.

The Union minister said both the State and Central governments are sensitive to the cultural belief of Tamil Nadu and to the ethos of the people. There are some problems associated with it and the matter was being heard by Supreme Court, he said. While the people in the entire State extended total support to the Jallikattu, some political parties were trying to take an undue advantage and turn it as a political battle, he added.

While conditional permission was granted to Jallikattu by the previous Congress-led UPA government in 2011 and DMK was an alliance partner of that government, but the NDA government led by Narendra Modi has amended the notification of 2011 allowing Jallikattu, he pointed out and appealed to the youth to resume studies as the Tamil Nadu government was taking steps to respect the sentiments of the people.

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