TBI status for T-hub is on the cards

The central government is all set to give a TBI status to the much talked T-hub. T-Hub is the largest incubator established by Telangana Government for technology-related start-ups. The hub will provide a platform with lucrative incentives for start-ups. The establishment of T-hub is to catalyse the creation of entrepreneur communities. The national committee of the Centre's science and technology department has recommended ‘technology business incubator’ (TBI status) to T-Hub. Generally, the status accorded to startups in prestigious institutions like IITs, IIMs etc. As an exceptional case, the centre is proposing the state government project. If the status is accorded, the T-Hub would become the first non-academic institution in the country to get this status. Under the said status, the state government is touted to receive a special grant ranging from Rs.6 crores initially and later upto Rs.50 Crores for its expansion. The T-Hub is expected to receive the status within one year of its establishment which is contrary to the five year requirement of centre.

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