Gully permanent, Delhi temporary, Venkaiah chimes sans rhyme

Union Minister Venkaiah Naidu is famous for his alliteration and rhyme, at least in his mother tongue of Telugu. Participating in a programme to dedicate Genco thermal project to the nation in Nellore on Saturday, Venkaiah said Delhi was not permanent for him, whereas gully (Nellore) was. For the rhyme, the BJP leader may have sent a wrong signal. The BJP cannot give up power so quickly when the people have given it such a large mandate, reducing the Congress to a double digit party. It's a different story that the Congress and its allies were making law-making such as the Goods and Services Bill passage near-impossible despite the BJP majority. The BJP cannot adopt the Congress methods of corruption, inducements and so on to stay put in Delhi. Neither had the party indulge in supporting anti-national forces for a comeback. If the BJP talks of losing power in Delhi, the people might take it as undermining their mandate. When you have the mandate, stay put in Delhi and rule effectively. Call spade a spade, call treason only as treason regardless of any quarter. That's the 2014 mandate. Venkaiah praised the Chandrababu Naidu government's supplying of 24-hour current with the cooperation of the Centre. He said the Centre was aiding the State government like never before. He meant that the Congress did little to the State, while taking the maximum benefit from the combined AP in terms of party funds, foodgrains, tobacco and so on. Then the unkindest cut, it split the State against the people's wishes, considering the party was decimated in both the Telugu States. Now to alliteration as for power, Venkaiah said `To partake take more part, if you partake without taking part you will lose all the parts.' He thanked the Chief Minister, who was present, for his sublime thoughts. He was a gift to the people of the State. They should thank Chadnrababu for the supply of current without cuts. Venkaiah urged the people to use LED bulbs for saving current and paying less bills. He said the world was looking to India in progress. While Nellore's is an Andhra function, the people should also thank Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao for no power cuts last summer and increased water supply in Hyderabad.

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