Jerusalem Mathiah knocks HC doors again

Fourth accused in the Stephenson case Jerusalem Mathiah has filed a fresh petition with the Hyderabad High Court, stating he is being denied details of the cases filed against him by the State governments of both Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. He pointed out that he was being issued notices, while he had already obtained a bail from the High Court. He also said in his plea that he had no means to appoint counsel on his behalf. Therefore, he would request the court to appoint a lawyer for him. The Stephenson case has brought in much bad blood between the two States. The notes-for-vote case is linked to telephone tapping, in which the alleged conversation between the nominated MLA, Stephenson, and AP Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu was intertwined. The Union Minister Venkaiah Naidu had played the Good Samaritan role in fixing the political problems between the States. Who would now play the Good Samaritan for Jerusalem Mathaiah on his way to Jericho remains to be seen.

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