Tajikistan goes on anti-Islam drive

Tajikistan, which borders on strife-ridden Afghanistan, has taken every care to curb the menace of Islamisation of its territory. The beards of 13,000 people sporting them have been shaved off, 160 shops selling traditional clothes have been closed down, and generally the country has taken all measures to curb radical Islamisation. Tajikistan is a Muslim majority Central Asian nation, and frontline state for Islamic radicals. The former Soviet State is one of the few countries that has assiduously avoided radical Islamisation. Al Jazeera news agency reports that the country has convinced some 1700 girls against wearing the veil (burqa). As part of its drive, the Tajikistan Parliament had banned the use of Arabic words by Tajiks. Also banned was Islamic Renaissance Party. Marriage between cousins is now taboo. Tajik President Imomali Rahmon's assertion to bring in more measures for a democratic Tajikistan have been welcomed by the people. There are also Islamic elements in the country, but the majority look forward to democratic changes. It's not for nothing that the Soviet empire collapsed preventing the spread of Islamisation into the East Bloc. If so, Tajikistan is erstwhile Soviet success.

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