Are you a lady at all, Babu asks Roja

Is she a lady at all? AP Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu questioned while referring to his fellow-nagari MLA Roja (YCP) in the State Assembly on Friday. As Roja raised slogans while he was intervening to make an announcement in the State Assembly, Chandrababu fired a volley of questions aimed at her: "Is there a modicum of decorum in what she speaks? Is she a lady at all? Is this the way an MLA should speak? Is she a woman at all? The slogans she is raising smack of lack of culture? She would do well to learn some values." This was enough trigger for the YCP members who again surrounded the Speaker's podium in protest. The Chief Minister was making an announcement regarding the Call Money racket when Roja led the YCP MLAs in sloganeering. Roja, who was subsequently suspended by the Assembly for an unprecedented 1 year, talked to newsmen listing the slogans she raised, posing the question what's unbecoming of her in the slogans.

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