Photo of minister adjusting woman doctor's collar goes viral

Jammu/Hyderabad, July 1: A photograph of a BJP Minister touching the collar of a lady doctor was doing rounds on social media. Jammu & Kashmir Health Minister Chaudhary Lal Singh on Wednesday visited the government hospital in Lakhanpur to check the arrangements ahead of Amarnath yatra. There in the hospital, he saw the collar of a doctor was not proper and adjusted it. According to a senior officer, a witness of the entire episode, said the Minister went near to the woman doctor and by saying 'bitiya, your collar is not proper' to her, had himself adjusted it. The female doctor had not protested, he added. The officer also added that another woman doctor present there has adjusted her collar after observing the Minister adjusting her colleague's collar. At that time, several higher officials, doctors and general public were present. Earlier, there were allegations against the Minister that he had mentally harassed a woman doctor in February last year.

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