TDP MPs' letter to PM on special status full of flaws?

New Delhi, May 8, 2015: A Telugu daily reported that the letter given by the TDP MPs to prime minister Narendra Modi in Delhi on Friday seeking special status for Andhra Pradesh was full of mistakes. The TDP MPs, led by Y.S.Chourday, submitted a 4-page memorandum to Modi seeking special status and financial allotments to the state. The daily said the MPs were not sincere in submitting the memorandum to Narendra Modi as they met him in a very casual manner not even bothering to check what was written in it. The MPs have reportedly submitted the speech of a MP made in the budget session of Lok Sabha few days ago in shape of the memorandum. The letter has asked the PM to allot Rs.5000 Cr for AP for the capital construction in the forthcoming budget. The daily said that the budget was already presented to the Lok Sabha but the TDP leaders never bothered to check that point. One more flaw in the letter was that the MPs said they wanted to bring the special status issue to the notice of the Centre through Prime Minister. When PM himself represents the Centre, what is the point in mentioning this?, the daily has asked. The letter was full of controversial issues, said the daily.

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