Rape-accused Swami Nithyananda seeks medical help in Sri Lanka

Rape-accused Swami Nithyananda seeks medical help in Sri Lanka

Columbo (Sri Lanka), September 3: Self-proclaimed spiritual leader and rape-accused Swami Nithyananda wrote a letter to Sri Lanka President Ranil Wickremesinghe, seeking medical assistance. As his health was deteriorated, Nithyananda penned a letter to the President on August 7, which came late into light.
The letter mentioned scarcity of medical infrastructure in Srikailasa, the sovereign state, an island established by the leader. Kailasa minister stated in the letter that they will bear all the expenses of the treatment to Nithyananda.
According to sources from the Sri Lankan government, Nithyananda is critically ill and in dire need of medical treatment. 
Nithyananda ran away from India in November 2018, after Gujarat police arrested his two disciples on the charges of kidnapping. 

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